The Lady Who Doesn't Lunch, who never fails to makes me think and laugh over at Gifts from A Broad, tagged me yesterday with this wonderfully easy meme. Be grateful for her intervention; without her you'd likely have found another LOLcat here today.
Anyhoo, the meme . . .
1. Pick up the nearest book, of at least 123 pages.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five people.
I am currently reading Loving Frank by Nancy Horan. It's a fictional story about the real love affair between Frank Lloyd Wright and his mistress, Mamah Borthwick Cheney. From page 123, lines 6-9: "She nodded. He slipped out the door and closed it softly. Mamah gripped the sink and glimpsed herself in the mirror." I have no idea what it means, either. I'm not that far yet.

It was the first time I'd ever gotten emotional about a building. I walked out knowing exactly what kind of home I wanted to make when I finally had my own . . . beautiful, warm, built for entertaining.
A little over three years ago I bought this house, a two-story Arts and Crafts bungalow built in 1924. Since that time this house has been my haven and my hobby. I have labored over the right colors and lighting and fixtures . . . but loved every minute. I'm pleased with what I have done, I have much more to do, but I love this home and I thank Frank Lloyd Wright for the inspiration. I'd kiss him if he weren't dead.
I tag:
- -R- of And You Know What Else
- Elise of All or Nothing
- Amy of How To Make Kimchi
- Liz of Killer Rants
- Mariposa of Mariposa's Tales
Thanks, will do this tomorrow. ;)
Wow, your home is lovely!
@Abbersnail: Oh, my! My words have been misleading, I believe. The house that is pictured is the Dana Thomas House, not mine. When I said I bought "this house" I meant the one I was sitting in when I wrote this post. I WISH that were my house!!
I lived across the street from the Dana Thomas House when I was in grad school. She used to throw some wicked parties.
Frankie, as I call him, WAS an awesome architect and designer. Many times when I see a piece of stained glass that I like, I am told that it's a FLW reproduction. I've pretty much gotten to the point where I credit him with everything that has that clean, but still art-deco feel to it.
Many times, I am wrong.
I think I credited him with drawing Dilbert or something ridiculous. It caused an uproar- followed by a DEBATE. I was being funny, but once someone is apalled by your stupidity, you HAVE to roll with it. "I swear! If FLW didn't create Dilbert, then I know for a FACT he was credited as the inspiration!"
Will do the meme. Thanks.
I promise I will do this eventually!
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