Everything I Like Causes Cancer

Where we've been convinced to write a new post on Dec. 2. Stay tuned!

We had an ice storm last night and today is the first day that the exact stretch of a highway I use to get to work is closed.  It's Monday for sure.

humorous pictures
more animals


K and/or K said...

It's brrrrrrrrrrrrrrlow numb out!! Stay cozy if you can!

Whiskeymarie said...

It's minus four degrees here today.

Try to not slip on the ice and fall on your butt.
That would totally make you look like a dork.

Bacon Lady said...

We have The Yuck here too, but it's not enough to close school unfortunately.

So, did you get to stay home from work today?

words...words...words... said...

I feel you. It's pouring here, and nobody knows how to drive in the rain. Took me twice as long to get to work. Bleh.

Alice said...

I am so happy that I don't work off of I-40 anymore... let me know how the drive is now.

Unknown said...

It's 60 degrees here.


Renaissance Woman said...

It's sooo cold! Highways closed, does that mean a snow day for you?

Dr Zibbs said...

Gwenieeeeee....You were in my dream last night......And something "happened"......


Candy's daily Dandy said...

We had a HUGE ice storm in MA on Thursday. Where I live was not affected but my sister who lives in the Northern part of the state is STILL without power today.. She has been staying with my mom..You know what a bitch that can be...

Anonymous said...

I'm hoping I've taught you something and you at least drove back home - finished off the fifth and went back to bed.

BeckEye said...

There aren't enough lol polar bearz on the Internetz. Thank you for posting one.

~E said...

AWWWW!! Nothing says Winter quite like the image of a polar bear butt!
