I've seen this going around but never paid any attention to it until a friend whose sense of humor I trust sent it to me with a note that read, "This is so blog-worthy. What were they thinking with those 80s videos that we all watched and took very seriously?"
What the effing crap? That angel guy just felt me up.
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My Funny Friends,
You Tube
We're watching you.
Wanna make out?
- Gwen
- One part sarcastic, one part naughty, and all parts awesome. ~ St. Louis, MO ~ You can email me at guenosdias847 at gmail dot com.
That ain't no lie.
The award I give myself every Friday.
I teared... bright eyes.
I give it 8 Solid Gold Dancers.
Indeed, the gayest man on earth would call this over the top. You shouldn't fence at night, or you're going to hurt the gymnasts . . .
Meat Loaf thinks this is a bit overwrought.
i've seen this!! they had the literal translation for a bunch of videos. it's hilaaarious.
I think she did that whole line up of boys at the end and was surprised by the guy who shook her hands because she somehow missed getting it on with him.
I had a bad day but this totally made my night!
That's 'hand', not hands.
Nope, I'm not tired.
I wish you still read my blog, because you would have seen video this posted last Friday.
Sigh. So you turn 40 and have no time to hang out with the young kids anymore?
;) kidding - I deserve it for not sending you a birthday present.
I know, isn't that brilliant?!?! Slays me every time!
This stuff is so up my alley. I've also seen one where they try to reshoot the video scene by scene, and have the original in a inset box.
Yeah, I do love these. When the zombie choirboy starts flying and the singer screams cracks me up.
Can never have too many Arthur Fonzarelli's, that's for sure.
Emo kid is throwing slo-mo dove in my face...hahahahahahha
There is no part of this video that isn't filled with awesome.
Ha! I've gotta say, Bonnie Tyler's 80'2 hair rocks!
Hat's off to whoever is making these. I've liked every one of them.
OMFG, that was hysterical. I hate that song!
I loved this Bonnie Tyler video.........I'm lovin' this version even more!!
Oh my God. I've seen this like 500 times now in the past two days. This is getting more attention than Adam Lambert, without being nearly as sexy. But I guess it is thrice as gay.
finally making it back to the internets after a couple weeks away w/ work & vacation, and this video is hilarious - reminds me why I love bloggers.... always there to brighten your day even if you ignore them for a while! Thanks for sharing the laughs!
99% of 80's videos sucked.
I would put Van Halen's "Dreams" with the Blue Angels, in the 1% of the GOOD 80's videos.
I love videos from the 80's. But not this one.
Just kidding. Anything with a Rocky reference is perfect in my book.
Great video! I hadn't seen this for over 20 years. I definately like this version more than the original.
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