Everything I Like Causes Cancer

Where we've been convinced to write a new post on Dec. 2. Stay tuned!

Posted by Gwen |

As of mid-day Sunday my back porch looked like this:

By dusk it looked like this:

And now it looks like this:

This last picture does not depict the final product, but rather the prime coat - and only on half the porch at that. But it already looks so much better. The vertical pieces will stay white but everything horizontal will be the same sage green as this pot*:

I hope the sage softens the starkness of the white.

I really thought I could finish this project in one weekend, but each step took so much longer than I anticipated. If I do an hour's worth of painting every night after work this week I just might finish before next weekend.

Yeah, I laughed, too.

This pot is actually two very inexpensive clay pots caulked together bottom-to-bottom, with the drain holes lined up. The bottom is an upside-down 10" pot and the top is an upside-right 16" pot. I painted these, but they were also very cool as plain clay. I think the whole thing cost $20.

