Everything I Like Causes Cancer

Where we've been convinced to write a new post on Dec. 2. Stay tuned!

If your friends like to bowl and you don’t but they always invite you to go bowling, do what I do: try to bowl a prime number instead of a high score.

Your friends will either be entertained by your nerdalicious antics or they will be pissed that you lost the game for them and never ask you to bowl again.

Either way, you win.


words...words...words... said...

What if you suck and you don't have any hope of either winning OR trying to hit a specific score?

Gwen said...

Trust me, once you start bowling for prime numbers you don't care about the outcome anymore. I came up with the idea when I had 43 in the 8th frame of a game. It really does make it a whole lot more fun.

hello haha narf said...

i bowl like a little kid...standing at the line, squatting, ball in two hands swung back between my legs and then flung down the lane. i can break a hundred like that. pisses people off. and makes me happy.

p.s. thanks for that photo.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, awesome plan - I'd try and roll some pi's too, cause it's impossible to get the .14 part of 3.14.

Scope said...

Poo - When your bowling for pi (mmmm... bowling pie) and your "friends" say that "That's an irrational number to try to bowl" laugh your ass off when they don't get their own joke.

Del-V said...

Some of my friends from the University of Maryland had a short lived team called the Terror-pins. We sucked. We finished last. If only our bowling skills were as good as out team name...

The Imaginary Reviewer said...

My God, that's a great idea. I actually like bowling, but the only friends I play against are really competitive Americans who studied it in high school. That's something I'll never understand.

Could you take it one step further and try to make your score card look like the Fibonacci Sequence?

Jennifer and Sandi said...

What a GRAND Idea!!! I'm a horrible bowler. I jump up and down if I get past 50 and don't pull a muscle!

Happy Friday!

- Jennifer

Bella@That damn expat said...

ugh I hate bowling.
But I do love your new site!

SouthernBelle said...

Bowling pi sounds awesome. Mmm, pi.

I prefer Wii bowling myself.

Renaissance Woman said...

I think that's a great idea. Althouh...honestly who HATES bowling. I mean, it isn't something that I would do often, but once in awhile it's fun. And I'm terrible! Hmmm...I'm going to try your technique.

K and/or K said...

Love it! How did you know I was invited to a bowling party yesterday? Now I have a plan!

Candy's daily Dandy said...

Now that is brilliant! Sorry to say, when it comes to bowling I so got game. I'd be one of those people you'd piss right off! (not you Gwennie-you'd have to ply me with a few Capt'n and Ginger's first)

Dr Zibbs said...

You had a 43 in the 8th frame? You should consider bumpers.

Unknown said...

That is a fantastic idea! 3 is a prime number, right?

LegalMist said...

I love those win-win situations! Gwen, you are amazingly resourceful. I bet you could find a way to have fun just about anywhere. :)

Anonymous said...

Brilliant! Plus, it gives me an excuse for getting the deploringly low score I always end up with!!!

Mermanda said...

Genius! (You are not on my team though, sorry.)

Cora said...

I can sooo picture my daughter (whose name also happens to be Gwen too. Small world! :-)) and I doing that too, like trying hard to get the ball in the gutter and avoid hitting the pins: "No!! No, to the right!! THE RIGHT!! F*CK, I GOT A DAMN STRIKE!!" Think that might irk a few serious bowlers just a tad?

Whiskeymarie said...

You don't like bowling?

I may have to rethink our friendship/marriage now. (sighs, shakes head)

mike said...

I am lucky to have a 9 year old, so when we go bowling we get to put up the side rails. It easily adds 100 to my score.

Anonymous said...

Remind me to invite you the next time we go bowling. Prime number person buys the rounds.

Elizabeth said...

Is 86 a prime number?

~E said...

I throw the ball with both hands and from between my legs.

They laugh at me the first few frames but it gives me a sick kind of amusement when I turn around after the last frame and I've beated all of them.

Anonymous said...

Drunk bowling is always entertaining


Anonymous said...

I would be so frustrated if I went bowling with you. I'd get you bumper lanes for sure.

Hasn't anybody ever told you Don't f--k with the jesus. That guy's a pederass.

Unknown said...

But really, drunk bowling is fun. There's no way you can't like drunk bowling. Or drunk anything, really.

paperback reader said...

I don't even know most of the primes after 39, so this would just remind me that I suck at both bowling and math.

mike said...

39 is not a prime number.
