Everything I Like Causes Cancer

Where we've been convinced to write a new post on Dec. 2. Stay tuned!


Kick ass.

Posted by Gwen |

I woke up this morning thinking it was Sunday and got all panicky about having to go back to work in 24 hours and then I realized it's only Saturday and I still have two days left to fuck around.  Wooo-hooo!  Although, in all honesty, as long as I get the tree and outside lights put away today, I think I will be ready to go back on Monday - "think" being the important word in that sentence.

I am afraid, however, that I've lost the touch with this here blog of mine.  I have nothing to say and I doubt the new red couch up there will keep you coming back.  Maybe it's because I've barely left this house in the last ten days and there has been very little to report.  No matter, I will keep chugging along and hope that writing here is like riding a bike.  Or sex.

Oh!  One other thing . . . when I install a new template I lose all my sidebar items.  I did my best to re-create them yesterday but have already heard from one of you that your blogroll link was lost in the revamp.  Please let me know if you are missing from the blogroll and I will fix it, stat.


Renaissance Woman said...

I love the new look! Maybe that will be one of my New Years resolutions...to try and make my blog as sexy as yours! Enjoy the last couple days of vacation.

Dr Zibbs said...

Don't worry about not posting that much over the holiday Gwen as my traffic is off by half.

Also, love the new chair and template. Did you use Google for your blogroll? I use blogrolling.com and it's been down for months.

paperback reader said...

The new look is indeed "spiffy," as the kids say, assuming those kids are from 1950.

Also, I think the only reason I post every day is because the day I stop, I don't think I'll ever start again.

Amanda said...

Everyone goes through a posting dry spell. I'm trying to do the Project-365 to keep taking new pictures and to give me something to post about. It may not be interesting but it may keep me going...

mike said...

I also love the new look and the couch. And I think you change pictures of yourself more often then I post.

I am way more impressed by the fact that you are getting the tree and lights put away today. It's only January 3rd! You still have like another month.

Anonymous said...

The only reason I started reading this blog was because of the couch!

katrocket said...

That couch is totally enough to keep me coming back, provided of course that you're sitting on it with me while drinking wine and talking shit about people.

Del-V said...

Can you add me to your blogroll?

Unknown said...

i love the couch, I feel compelled to lay on it and tell you all of my problems. :)
