1 Feraro's pizza with ham, mushrooms, and black olives
1 Milky Way bar
1 episode 30 Rock
1 episode The Office
1 episode American Idol (Lou-ah-ville)
1 episode No Reservations (Indonesia)
1 pair pajamas
Mix to taste. Serve on couch.

1 Feraro's pizza with ham, mushrooms, and black olives
Actually, that pizza sounds awesome. Sounds like it could use a slightly sweet, cheap red wine.
I wish my Friday night had those ingredients. Ah well, at least it's Sat morning here.
Mushrooms on pizza are one of life's great tragedies. Aside from that, I'm coming over.
Nice. Mine was watching Good Fellas with my 15 year old who had never seen it. Excellent.
...What I amuse you?"...
"....I'm funny how?"
"..Like a clown?"
Blech olives. Apart from that, sounds good!
A friend of mine has a theory that Bourdain is banging every girl you see on that show. They're always, like, hot young Asian chicks showing him around their countries.
Nah, Zibbs, it's just, you know. You're just funny, it's... funny, the way you tell the story and everything.
That sounds great! Much better than work and a cold.
This was my Thursday night, without the American Idol and without the pizza, but with a nice glass of wine. Ahhhhh....heaven....
Ooh. I'd add Phish Food ice cream to that and maybe substitute a Freaks and Geeks marathon for No Reservations and then we're talkin'
I had one too, different recipe, but same results!
Hey, you take care now....and be careful.
In addition to voicing my agreement that, yes, this does sound like a fab night (I would have to add a glass or 3 of wine though, just sayin'), I had to come out of the woodwork to exclaim OH MY GAWD YOU KNOW HOW TO SAY LOUISVILLE RIGHT!!! We lived there for several years & I always have to repeat myself (in Oklahoma now) to explain where we used to live.
Me: Loo-uh-vull
THEM: Where?
Me: Loooo-uuuuuh-vuuull. You know, KENTUCKY?!
THEM: Um, what?
Me: (sigh) Loo-ee-ville?
THEM: OH! Got it!
Stephanie - Have I been saying it wrong all these year?
I always thought it was just Loo-vull. No middle "uh".
I agree, except for the part where that pizza has vegetables on it.
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