Everything I Like Causes Cancer

Where we've been convinced to write a new post on Dec. 2. Stay tuned!


This post is spoiler-free.

Posted by Gwen |

But I did just get home from seeing Coraline in 3D and it was awesome.  First, we got to wear (and keep!) these cutting-edge glasses:

And then I kept reaching out to touch things, like a moron:

But in all seriousness?  You need to go.  And you need to cough up the extra $2.50 to see it in 3D.  Skip that candy bar you buy every day at lunch.  Those calories aren't doing you any favors, anyway.


McGone said...

That second picture looks like you are starring in your local community theatre production of "The Miracle Worker." you make a great Helen Keller!

Doc said...

Those ARE fetching glasses! I might have to take the kids after all.


Gwen said...

McGone: Are you saying Helen Keller looks like a moron?

Doc: Don't know your kids' ages, but it's dark and there are some HUGE, bare, stop-motion bazongas.

paperback reader said...

I'll get right on that, right after I get done doing everything else in the world.

mo.stoneskin said...

What candy bar?

A daily candy bar?

What a great idea.

Candy's daily Dandy said...

HAHAAHA! you friggin kill me....

you totally outed me-how did you know I buy a candy bar at lunch every day??

The Imaginary Reviewer said...

Heh, in that last picture it looks like you've just got back from the dentist and you're asking someone off-screen "is this real life? I have...I have two fingers...you have four eyes..."

Sass said...

We have no 3-D theaters in this area.


But seriously, could you be any cuter? No, it'd be illegal.

mike said...

The only thing better than huge bare bazongas is huge bare bazongas in 3D. Oh, wait, you meant in the movie? I was looking for the next photo...

MJenks said...

I think this is the last weekend for the 3-D for Coraline.

Whiskeymarie said...

I think you're trying to fondle the giant gazongas in the last pic.


Son of a Thomas said...

I'm trying to go but my wife keeps saying the same thing, "You know I don't like cartoons."

Cora said...

I saw that movie and it freaked me out! I didn't like it at all. I even had nightmares that night about spiders running all over my walls. (shudder.)

Perhaps I'm just a pansy! ;-)

Julie Dunlap said...

Bummer, I had hoped to take the kids (all in grade school) to it. Looks like fun for grown-ups though!

Slyde said...

ok, im late to the party.. what movie did you see?

i looked like that last week when i took my son to see coraline in 3d.

Dr Zibbs said...

Tell your friend to ...Oh Behave.

Anonymous said...

The only 3d movie we have going on around here is that Jonas Brothers one. I refuse. I'm eating the candy bars.

Cowguy said...

Okay, you sold me. I wanna see it.... and I'm trying oh so very very very very very very very hard to not turn your second pic into a photoshop, 'cause well...

Aw it makes me laugh just like it is. Nevermind.

