Everything I Like Causes Cancer

Where we've been convinced to write a new post on Dec. 2. Stay tuned!


My Funny Little Buddy

Posted by Gwen |

Apparently I'm not the only one in this house who squirms to put my ass into things that don't really fit.


Whiskeymarie said...

Ooh- I miss that cute boy! Give him some nip for me this weekend.

Anonymous said...

I'm not a cat person, but any cat that contorts itself like that for the sake of lazy is okay in my book.

(shhhh, don't tell him I plan to eat chinese food tonight with friends)

Christopher Jones said...

Hehe. It's it's funny because the cat has no idea how much it'll hurt to get out of that position later on.

Le Meems said...


I just pulled pants out of the dryer and need to DO the squirm in a hot little minute here...

Fancy Schmancy said...

Awww, too cute! You're right, that does look like my Jazzy kitty!

words...words...words... said...

I am enjoying Whiskeymarie's comment out of context.

Nej said...

Your cat has a look of "See, I told you I'd fit" on it's face! :-)

I once had a cat that would pull all of the Kleenexes out of the box, one by one. Then when it was empty (30 minutes later) try to climb inside it.

I had to watch her complete the task once, just to see how long she'd actually keep at it without being stopped. Some would say I needed to get out more, but I'll say it was for the good of science.

Yeah, that's it...science! :-)

Sass said...

Awww....that's too stinking cute.

I'd love to snuggle up like that. But alas, I'd have to get up...yikes.

mo.stoneskin said...

I would have thought you would have straightened the blinds before taking the photo.

J.J. in L.A. said...

Cats are weird. Mine used to climb into boxes or lay on the patio table instead of sleeping on the cushioned kitchen chairs.

Jennifer and Sandi said...

Hahahhaha what a cutie! How in the heck do they do that???

Have a super weekend!

- Jennifer

Jennifer and Sandi said...

And another thing. How in the hell did I miss your cowguy tippin post/photo's the end of February.


What's even worse is....where was I Feb 26th and 28th? Scary!

That's a fun post on your side bar btw!!

Outta here!
- Jennifer

Soda and Candy said...

Gwen's Cat: "What? I'm totally comfortable!"

SkylersDad said...

I really wish my spine would do that!

Dr Zibbs said...

Look at him!

Did he go for the toy next?

Did he?

Did he?

Cora said...

You know, it doesn't look like it could possibly be comfortable until you take a look at that adorable face! That is the look of pure bliss right there. :-)

The Lady Who Doesn't Lunch: said...

I love the kittehs. Also noticing you have some lovely wooden window sashes and frames...nice.

Coolred38 said...

My cat likes to balance on some precarious perch to catch some zzzzz's....she likes living life in the danger zone. If she were a human she would probably sleep on skyscaper window ledges...without safety gear...sigh.. Now thats relaxing.

Girl Interrupted said...

Oh he's gorgeous!

Cat's are capable of so much cool stuff ... like that position they assume when they're licking their butts in front of honoured guests, with both back legs up in the air? ... even Jane Fonda in her aerobic heyday would be proud to pull that one off.

~E said...

HAHA. I normally can't stand cats...but that one is pretty cute.

Suburbia Steph said...

Funny...I thought maybe it was just my big fat black gato who did this!

I have such a soft spot for tuxedo kitties! :)

Anonymous said...

Tha's just too cute. I have to have your cat. Send him now!
