Everything I Like Causes Cancer

Where we've been convinced to write a new post on Dec. 2. Stay tuned!

No, really, it's kind of you to offer to wait for me but I'm heading off to the lake for a bachelorette party weekend and won't be able to make it. In my absence, please enjoy this cartoon set to The Real Tuesday Weld's The Day Before You Came. If I had been able to make it, we'd have had highballs and a smoke or two and caught up while something equally relaxing and fun played in the background.

You should fix yourself a drink and sit and enjoy this in a dim room - pretend I'm there! Just don't get caught talking to yourself with me about what that rat bastard in accounting did in the copy room yesterday and laughing about old cartoons. That would be so uncool.


Elliott said...

I'll have to check it at home for the sound, but I enjoyed the five-minute break from reality. And really, the peace and quiet was welcome this afternoon, too.

Thanks! I'll have one for you tonight.

Anonymous said...

Something about that song is awesome.

It looks like you're going to have a good time- your twitter pic was all booze and candy, hahaha.

Seriously- I want to come.

SkylersDad said...

Ah yes, back in the day when men were men, and cartoonist took LSD...

words...words...words... said...

I'm going to have my own little happy hour :)

The Peach Tart said...

I hope you have fun and share the crazy stories with us.

BeckEye said...

Felix would never miss a happy hour. Unless he'd OD'd.

hello haha narf said...

did i mention that friday i gave you a little award on my blog? probably not. i'm such a slacker sometimes.

Beth said...

I'll have happy hour enough for the three of us.

Oops. Guess I'm already seeing double...

