Everything I Like Causes Cancer

Where we've been convinced to write a new post on Dec. 2. Stay tuned!



Posted by Gwen |

I was in small appliances; you were in the young men's department. I couldn’t hear her words but I could hear the tone she was using with you. She just kept repeating your name. It was incredibly annoying and we both wanted her to shut the hell up. Listing all the good reasons not to have children under my breath, I continued perusing coffeemakers.

Louder now, “Michael, we are leaving. You are just going to have to do without it."

I gathered that it was over a belt and that the belt was very important to you.




I watched her beckon an elderly store clerk. While wondering what in the world she expected that poor woman to do, I heard her ask the woman to call security on you. My stomach sank. I chanted, “Don’t do this. Don’t do this. Don’t do this to him."

“I don’t want to go. Don’t do this,” you sobbed.

It broke my heart, Michael. Your boy’s voice, laced with strains of looming manhood, shoved me back in time. I recognized that voice, with its helpless frustration and anger, because it was mine. My throat closed, my hands shook, my eyes watered; I reeled.

I was wrong to think that your interaction had anything to do with a belt. It wasn't about holding up your pants or looking snappy. It was about a need to be heard and respected. A need that you're too young to recognize and one that you certainly don’t know how to request.

Not knowing any other way to make it stop, you fight. “I hate you! I don’t want to live with you. When I get home I am going to kick your ass. I’m going to kill you.” You choked on the words as they came out. You fight hard and you fight dirty because you are desperate.

You are also done for. Your meddling little sister takes this opportunity to show how adorably reasonable she is by announcing that she’s "going to go wait by the make-up counter", the pint-sized bitch. The store employees, attending your melt-down while waiting for security, have heard you; they’re on mom’s side now. You are clearly a demented beast.

The way you moaned when she announced, "Now I have to call 911.” (as if you had forced her), made me die a little inside. I wanted to run over there and hold your hand. I wanted to mediate. I wanted to tell you it was going to be okay. I wanted to make it stop because it was clear you didn’t know how.

I left a piece of myself with you today, Michael. I hope you’re okay.


Chemgeek said...

Some parents suck.

Mr. Condescending said...

That kind of sh*t permanently messes with kids brain, that bitch.

Mr London Street said...

This is a lovely, lovely post. Very impressed.

BeckEye said...

Very well-written post. Too bad you had to write it.

Maybe that lady should have gone shopping for a parenting manual.

Sass said...

I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes, and wishing that the world didn't allow women like that to thrive. Because they do, at the expense of the little ones they're supposed to nurture.

Excellent post, Gwen...

Cora said...

I never understand why some parents just don't get it - kids are people too and, as with all people, respect is needed, deserved and makes all the difference.

Did she really call 911 on him? Did she really do that to him?

Just sad.

erin said...

I hate that feeling in your gut like you should say something and then you don't....for some reason you remember those times forever.

Having a bitch mom can totally fuck you up...like most serial killers were fucked up by their moms...

Some Guy said...

Great post. I think I'll give my mom a call today and thank her.

The Imaginary Reviewer said...

Great post. Reminds me of something I saw in the airport the other day.

A couple seemed to have about four children with them, waiting around at the gate. The husband was almost in tears, saying, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, okay? What else could I do? She said there was absolutely no way that she could change the seating arrangement that YOU CHOSE on the website and sit us all together. What else could I do?" She was just belittling him, bitching at him and telling him to be a man, while he was almost crying.

I said to Mrs Imaginary Reviewer, hopefully loud enough for the woman to hear, "If you turn into a bitch like her, I will be divorcing you."

Hipstercrite said...
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Hipstercrite said...

Wow. Terrific post.

Dr Zibbs said...

Was it..Michael Jackson?

...No it wasn't...That was dumb..I was kidding. I really didn't think it was him.

Soda and Candy said...

Gwen, I'm right there getting my heart broken along with you. I hope Michael figures out some way other than violence to get away out from under this woman.

Amanda said...

It always breaks my heart when I see kids in public that are clearly lacking in parental love. I want to walk over and give them a hug, so they know what it feels like.

My kids roll their eyes at me and tell me I'm silly when I hug them a thousand times a day. Those little shits don't know how good they have it ;-)

Jilly7325 said...

Oh my goodness. I hate seeing bad parents in public. It makes me appreciate my own parents so much more and it makes me happy to see good parents in public. Good post Gwen!

LegalMist said...

How very sad... I hope the kid figures out a way to get respect that doesn't involve violence or threats of violence. He is really headed for problems if their interactions don't improve...

words...words...words... said...

Wow. I'm the 17th comment and the first one to wonder what this kid has put her through before that makes calling security feel like a reasonable option?

hello haha narf said...

i hate that helpless feeling of being a bystander in such situations.


~E said...

Not sure exactly what went on and the stories from both sides, but my heart is with you.

Son of a Thomas said...

Stuff like this reminds me that I'm not a horible parent.

The Lady Who Doesn't Lunch: said...

Sounds heartbreaking (and very nicely written BTW). There is nothing much more trauma inducing as routine public humiliation. I hope poor Michael keeps his grades up, gets a scholarship and gets as far away from this train wreck as possible as soon as he's old enough.

Sally-Sal said...

I heard a man threaten his son with 'the green elephant'. I thought it was funny, until I heard that child actually SCREAM in terror.
Then, it wasn't funny. It made me sad to think that a green elephant could reduce him to hysterics.

Michael said...

I'm fine, but I knew I shouldn't get involved with older women.

cjl said...

My wife once witnessed a Mom slap her kid as he walked along side her in a shopping mall. The boy said "Christ Mom! What'd you do that for?"

cjl said...

My wife once witnessed a Mom slap her kid as he walked along side her in a shopping mall. The boy said "Christ Mom! What'd you do that for?"

Anonymous said...

Gwen, nice writing girl.

Anonymous said...

Wow...how very judgmental of you all.
