Everything I Like Causes Cancer

Where we've been convinced to write a new post on Dec. 2. Stay tuned!


St. Joan of Arc Parish Homecoming!

Posted by Gwen |

As I turned the calendar page today I gasped with excitement as I realized that the St. Joan of Arc Parish Homecoming is right around the corner!!! Oh, I can't wait . . . playing bingo and that one game with the States for plants . . . cold beers on the playground . . . funnel cakes . . . cold beers on the playground . . . Yes! Meet me at the corner of Hampton and Pernod on Saturday, September 8, or be a big, fat lame-o!


Anonymous said...

yea yea I get it... cold beers on the playground. Can we play kick the can?

Anonymous said...

I have to go to a fucking wedding that night! Who plans a wedding during St. Joan of Arc Homecoming? I can still go Sunday, but it's not the same. I'll miss blowing $20+ on that damn Wheel of States.
