Everything I Like Causes Cancer

Where we've been convinced to write a new post on Dec. 2. Stay tuned!


I may actually go outside today.

Posted by Gwen |

I am FINALLY feeling better. On Friday I started taking an antibiotic that I accidently refilled this summer and it seems to be doing the trick. I really have to find a new primary care physician. Anybody know a good one? At this point I would accept decent.

Outside the few hours I went in to the office on Friday, I haven't left this house since last Monday. It's a good thing I like it here. BTW, thanks to all of you who called to check on me and brought me soup. You guys rock.

My big plan for today is a trip to the grocery store. That's right, I'm living the dream.

Oh! I almost forgot! I've been working on a new blog project . . . stay tuned because if all goes well, it will be unveiled tomorrow evening.


Anonymous said...

I love my doctor, although I rarely get sick so I pretty much only see him once a year when my work forces me to get a TB shot. Anyway, he's got a really dry sense of humor and he's really hot. I haven't had to get naked in front of him yet, so I'm still ok with the hot doctor factor. His office is across from St. Mary's Hospital and Amy B. can vouch he's great. If you want the number, let me know.

Gwen said...

Sounds perfect! I'll get it from you next time we're on the phone.
