Everything I Like Causes Cancer

Where we've been convinced to write a new post on Dec. 2. Stay tuned!


Random Bits

Posted by Gwen |


I love that I can run errands after work and still be home before dark. I'd marry Daylight Savings Time if he came more than twice a year.

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Tomorrow night is the first gathering of The Curtain Skirt Club in 2008. TCSC is a group of gals who get together a couple times a year to raise awareness for a charity. And drink. In skirts made out of curtains.

This will be my first one. Earlier in the week it didn't look like I would be able to go, again, but then some things cleared on my calendar and I've decided to go. I just picked up the stuff for my "outfit" after work at Big Lots. I have a green sheer curtain, assorted fun St. Pat's tidbits and my imaginaton. I have no idea how it's going to come together, but I'm confident it will be awesomely tacky.

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My mom called last week and told me that the Lost episode that airs at 7 is not just a repeat but a Pop Up Video repeat. I've learned a lot from watching it, stuff that I otherwise would have never figured out or remembered. Like that the time/place switching has to do with parallel universes (which doesn't necessarily rule out time travel, either.) And that Goodwin campaigned for Ana Lucia to be considered worthy. And that Ben sent The Others to The Tempest at the end of last season. I am more convinced than ever that I need to watch them all from the start, knowing what I know now. I just wish the DVD's came with Pop Up Video.


Allie said...

TCSC is such a neat idea! Sounds like fun!

Anonymous said...

Well...well...Lost, Survivor, AND CSC? I knew I'd like you!

Amy, Jeff and the kimchis said...

I agree that it was Ana Lucia he was trying to bring into the club. That wacky Ben!

Whiskeymarie said...

I just ignored the last paragraph while I plugged my ears and sang "la, la, la..."
