A while back LM started sending cards from this supremely funny card company called someecards.com. Their slogan is "When you care enough to hit send."
I love these cards and send them all the time now, going so far as to make up reasons just to send them. I shared the bounty with Lil BRR this morning and she immediately found this gem and sent it to her boyfriend:Her message inside the card said, "Ahhh... what better way to tell you that I'm thinking of you? LOL! Love you!"
Except that she sent it to the wrong person. Yup, instead of sending it to XXXX at gmail dot com, she sent it to XXXX at hotmail dot com.
She had no idea what she had done until she received this reply from XXXX at hotmail dot com, "Hey Perve, you sent it to the wrong person..... HAVE FUN!!!"
We're watching you.
Wanna make out?
- Gwen
- One part sarcastic, one part naughty, and all parts awesome. ~ St. Louis, MO ~ You can email me at guenosdias847 at gmail dot com.
That ain't no lie.
The award I give myself every Friday.
This is a wonderful idea. But the possibilities of sending my orgy, first- preference, love-note, to someone I actually know, but have no intention of letting him/her, or them, know I really do have an orgy first-preference, and it isn't....
I hope you had a good party
THAT is hilarious!!!!!!!!!!! Liz
I'd go for second, after a really hairy guy, so she appreciates me more.
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