Everything I Like Causes Cancer

Where we've been convinced to write a new post on Dec. 2. Stay tuned!

I am certain that there isn't a one of you as enthralled with this home improvement project as I am but it's my blog so suck it.


Falwless said...

I, for one, tossed and turned for quite a while as I lie in bed last night, wondering what exactly the roof would look like this morning when you left for the day.

Damn glad you provided a picture.

Gwen said...

@Fal: I knew I could count on you. Since you're as invested as I am, is there any way you see your way to pitching in? I haven't told the workers yet but I don't have any money to pay them.

Moe Wanchuk said...

I love it! Flip that House is my favorite show.

Dr Zibbs said...

Look at that Lazy Ass on your roof just day dreaming. I hope you teased them by walking your naked frame in front of the window and then saying kind of loudly, "where's my pencil? - Oh there it is" and then bending over to pick it up but then stepping out of their view just at the end. Your goods, safe from the prying eyes of the horny, ex-convict roofers. That would get them.

Gwen said...

@Dr. Zibbs: How did you know?! Are you spying on me? Anyway, I didn't step out of the way at the last second - I let them have a peek at the goods in the hopes that it would knock a couple hundred off the price.

Falwless said...

I have some spare change in my binder clip bowl here on my desk. There's probably a good $1.00, $1.10 in there... would this help??
