Everything I Like Causes Cancer

Where we've been convinced to write a new post on Dec. 2. Stay tuned!


Dr Zibbs said...

Stupid jerk bosses!

katrocket said...

Quelle providence! I have a job interview this afternoon, and I can totally use this. Thanks for the tip!

Unknown said...

I bet it's because of the shoulder pads. Women hate women who wear shoulder pads.

Amanda said...

That's beautiful and roughly my inner monolog during our annual "let's have a review with no intention of giving raises" period.

Amanda said...

That's beautiful and roughly my inner monolog during our annual "let's have a review with no intention of giving raises" period.

Mel O said...

AWW! Does somebody have a case of the Mondaaays?

Yeah... me too. Mondays SUCK.

BTW, love this. Too funny.

paperback reader said...

I am so mad I didn't think up marriedtothesea.com first, given my great love for unnecessary nautical metaphors.

RW said...

She needs more ambition - why five years... why not three?

RW said...

I of course mean TWO because, after all, I'm an idiot.

Fancy Schmancy said...

What a coinkydink. As of this morning I decided I'm going to start looking for a new job. I love the office and the company I work for, but hate the job and there is no where to move up! I'm slowly drowning.

Little Brr said...

Hmm... Is this one of those things where I'll look back and say, "Dammit! The warning was all over the Internets. I had no idea she'd really do it! I should have taken her serious. I had no idea she'd actually GO POSTAL... and shoot up the place." Seriously, do I need to report this to management or something? Cause I totally won't... but only because I know you won't shoot me, but we will get off of work for a few days. Works out well for everyone. Your secret is safe w/ me.

Moe Wanchuk said...

If my boss was a Milfy blonde...with Librarian glasses, I think I would offer to show her something and see if she was interested in what it's used for.

Elizabeth said...

Ah, my dream scenario in my last job.

words...words...words... said...

Based on the ladies' fashion choices, this conversation happened no later than 1988. I wonder how long it took.

Sass said...

Oh, how I love Married to the Sea.

Have you seen their new site, superpoop.com? LOVE it.

Good stuff.

