Everything I Like Causes Cancer

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Back to the future.

Posted by Gwen |

Dear Daylight Saving Time:

I'm certain you're getting a lot of hate mail today but I'm not one to hold my tongue so just throw this missive on the pile if you're tired of hearing our complaints.

You suck.

Yesterday, the only day this weekend I had to sleep in, I woke up at 7:24.  I was wide awake, the kind of awake where you know you're not getting back to sleep no matter how long you lay there.

And last night?  I fell asleep on the couch in the middle of a movie.  At 8:30.  I never saw the end and I probably won't because the first half was pretty hum-drum.  Now I'll never know if that one guy got out of the detention center or if that other guy got it on with detention center guy's mom.  Thanks.

And today?  Yeah, it was easier to get up with the sun shining, but I'm going to be cursing like a sailor tonight when I drive home from work in the dark.

I guess I can't fault you, it's winter that I really hate, but you're an easy target today, douchebag.

Still wondering what time it really is,



Sass said...

Thank you for saying it for me. I was in the middle of sending hate mail as well, but I'll just add my name to yours. Ugh.

It's not even so much how it affects me, as how it affects my kids. This morning was hellacious, and tonight will be worse.

Seriously. Why do we still do this???

Dr Zibbs said...

I blame the farmers and the Pollocks.

Whiskeymarie said...

We have self-adjusting clocks at work (where I am right now for my 13+ hour day), and right now they all say something different, and none of them are right.

Tricia said...

I usually like "Fall Back" as I get an extra hour of sleep - its the spring that I hate. BUT last night I couldn't seem to get to sleep and this morning even though it was light out I was hard put to get up. And I know around 11am I'm going to be starving and still an hour from lunch. I don't deal well with time change anymore.

McGone said...

Dear Gwen,

Thank you for teaching me that it is possible to call an intangible thing like Daylight Savings Time a douchebag. That almost brings a tear to my eye.

Yours in Christ,

Candy's daily Dandy said...

hehehe! I couldn't stay awake last night either but I know what my problem is. I got a serious case of the O-L-D-s.

Falwless said...

Goddammit this was beautiful. Took the words right from my mouth.

Amy, Jeff and the kimchis said...

I love daylight savings time. I kept looking at the clock and being glad I had an extra hour of everything. Sorry you hate it so.

Unknown said...

He totally banged her.

Anonymous said...

I love daylight savings time. Although there's something to be said for having daylight into the evening (hello, tennis courts after work), the change of pace is groovy in my book. It also reminds me that winter is coming, which is always welcome in my world. A study was done that found the heart attack rate drops significantly when we turn our clocks back in the fall. Consequently, the study also found that heart attack rates spike significantly in the spring when we turn our clocks ahead. That's how vital sleep is to our bodies. I also ponder if the early sunset and cooler weather causes people to slow down more. Fascinating stuff, if you ask me.

Fancy Schmancy said...

Does anybody really know what time it is? Does anybody really care?

Amanda said...

I loved having an extra hour to sleep Sunday morning and the kids were just a tad more ready than usual to go to bed at 8pm last night.

Sorry you hate it so but did enjoy your use of douchebag!

Renaissance Woman said...

Amen...I feel the same way. Up so early yesterday and off the rest of the day. I love to stay awake late, so that part worked out. But that is not the point. I wish we could all just stay on the other time and keep as much light as possible in the evening. Douchebag is right!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh really Gwen, I've never heard someone whine so much about daylight savings time :)

mike said...

Daylight savings is my FAVORITE holiday of the year. It doesnt even matter if we're going back or forward. I just love how someone, somewhere convinced the entire country that we should just up and mess with stuff like time and sunrises. And the nation bought it! It is cool to mix it up, the whole "what time it gets dark" thing. AWESOME.
(unless people have Seasonal Affect Disorder... then I am sorry to be celebrating at their expense)

mike said...

by the way, I linked to one of your posts on my blog. I thought you would get a kick out of it...

Some Guy said...

I did the exact same thing - woke up early with no chance of falling back asleep. I could have finally watched the crop reports, but alas, there aren't any crops to report on.

Scope said...

I like daylight savings time. It's STANDARD time that sucks the rocks that big rocks come from.

And why do farmers always get blamed? If any group on the planet is less tied to clocks, it's the group the works from sun up to sun down. I blame the bankers wanting extra time in the evening to play a round of golf.

It would be easier if we all just used UTC/GMT, eh?

words...words...words... said...

For those of us who frequently stay up until 2 or 3am an extra hour is always welcome, no matter who gets hurt. Besides, like someone else said, I kind of dig it when it gets dark early. It means winter is coming, and I love winter.

Le Meems said...

Dear Arizona,

You really get it right by not participating in this bullshit DST. If you weren't such an all around ass clown state I'd totally move in somewhere cozy and enjoy evening light.


Anonymous said...

To further prove your point, that DST IS IN FACT A DOUCHEBAG, here I am at 2am, because I fell asleep as soon as it got dark out and now I am wide awake :'(

