Everything I Like Causes Cancer

Where we've been convinced to write a new post on Dec. 2. Stay tuned!

The other night I was watching The Usual Suspects when I got a Facebook IM jangle from bloggy friend Othurme.  We chatted for a minute and after I mentioned what I was watching he asked me if I was watching it on cable or with swears.  I was watching the original version and he suggested I find the edited version as it's much funnier.  Skeptical that an edited version should be more revered than the original I did a search on youtube tonight.  He was absolutely right.  The words the editors chose to replace "fucking cocksucker" are a scream.

Also, Kevin Spacey is an amazing actor.  I don't think he's given a performance I didn't like.  And Benicio Del Toro is delicious.


Dr Zibbs said...

Hand me the keys you Bubble up'ed rascal" is what I would have suggested.

Elizabeth said...

That's an interesting point I'd never have considered, being an "original version" snob. I'll have to check it out edited.

Kevin Spacey is one of my top five favorite actors of our time. He's very, very good.

words...words...words... said...

Hilarious. Dubbing over curse words is just a joy. I love how they'll pick words that don't even make sense just to cover up the curse. If you were amused by this, catch Goodfellas on TV sometime. It's a classic of the "bad dubbing" genre.

McGone said...

Whenever this topic comes up, I always reference the genius of Mr. Show and introduce people to the phrase "Chinese Dentist."

The Imaginary Reviewer said...

Both of the Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz DVDs have great extras on them like this. The makers had to do 'clean' versions of the films for showing on airplanes and stuff. The Hot Fuzz one is here, and it's very funny: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9k18Q_63KpE

Mel O said...

I love this movie! I'll definitely have to test this theory out for myself... I, too, always considered myself a snob to the edited versions.

Gwen said...

Um, guys? I put the edited one in the post . . .

Mel O said...

Um, smartass?? I for one, watched the clip and giggled... but I don't know if I would want to watch the whole movie like that. It's just not the same.

I like dirty words :)

Mel O said...


tee hee hee I love that you're a smartass, Gwennie! xoxo

H said...

"Benicio Del Toro is delicious"

So true, so true. Yummy!

othurme said...

This really is my favorite scene of all time this way.
