I wrote this announcement six different ways but couldn't find a way to make it funny or entertaining enough. I even tried writing a press release, of which I am capable, but failed. And then I realized that I am about to tell you that four of the hot chicks who write stuff you pretend to read in the hopes that one day one of us will post boob pictures are getting together on Sunday afternoon, and that you wouldn't require much more fanfare that.
So far the guest list includes Sass, MelO, H, and myself but if you're in the area and you want in on the pillow fight we all know is going to happen, please email me. Everyone is meeting here at EILCC headquarters around 2 and we plan to go to Cyrano's, a yummy bistro known for its coffee and desserts. We've all decided to wear knee-high boots to mess with Zibbs.
Hot Blogger Holiday Hook-Up
Posted by
Christmas 2008,
My Funny Friends
I don't know what we'll end up doing with the fresh whipped cream served on everything at Cyrano's, but Internet sensation Fernando von Bakonstein prefers rolling in it.
We're watching you.
Wanna make out?
- Gwen
- One part sarcastic, one part naughty, and all parts awesome. ~ St. Louis, MO ~ You can email me at guenosdias847 at gmail dot com.
That ain't no lie.
The award I give myself every Friday.
Will the video be sold on TV after midnight?
Also remember not to shower a few days before, you can fetch some serious $$ for those pillowcases on eBay.
I... ummm... err...
i m a g e s m a k e b r a i n s g o f u z z y .
Have a good time "ladies."
Gwen - You have my contact info if you need me to wire bail money.
No boob pictures again? Damn it. This is what, day 500 of pretending to read? If only there were another site on this internet that might provide what I'm looking for, I could drop both the pretense and my pants.
Oh well. Here's hoping that one day, someone will pave this "superhighway" with filth. Until then, Gwen, please try to at least lean forward suggestively in pictures.
Sounds like so much fun. But I'm like 10 states away (I think, I don't know where you are) so I can't make it.
But I'll definitely take booby pictures of my own in spirit.
Oh, wait...we aren't doing that? Haha...wow, that would have been embarassing!
Sounds like so much fun, I'll be there in spirit! Have a glass of wine and hit MelO with a pillow for me, k?
Damn Midwest bias. You guys should all drive to Baltimore instead.
Ohh NO! I wanna go too!! You guys are going to have sooo much fun! Take lots of pics and post the good times.
Have the best time!!
Crap... if I could get Fernando back I'd shuttle him to you post haste. Then I would live vicariously through him. Which is actually the entire purpose of Fernando.
Maybe I just need to get a life.
Not fair.
I'm totally finding Moe and forcing him into a "Great Minnesota Get-together", kind of like the State Fair.
dammit, i can't make it. washing my hair.
WhiskeyMarie - If you and Moe are doing the Great Minnesota State Fair thing...
Will you be eating eachother on sticks?
If so, no pictures, just artist renditions, please.
Aww man. I wish I was going. Make sure to take lots of pictures and record anything that's mentioned about me.
I don't know. Will the mood be spoiled if we actually meet in person or will it enhance the atmosphere??? I am beginning to wonder.
Whiskeymarie: I ask myself this question every day, in all caps, too. My mental image of you corraling Moe and making him sit and talk to you in a cafe is cracking me up. I wish you could join us, sister.
Melo and Sass are really coming? I feel so left out! I wish I was too!
Awww, Lydia!!! We wish you could come too!! :(
So, we ARE planning on talking about Zibbs the whole time and not telling him what we said, right? ;)
oh... and...
Fancy! Come hit me WITH THAT PILLOW yourself!! :D
UHH... what's with Scope's "ladies"??? Is there any question that we aren't....
Yeah, we're just a bunch a broads to these guys... we definitely WON'T be acting lady-like!! LOL!!
I want to live closer! I want to join the fun...Darn!
H ~ I am giving you a firm tongue lashing and also a very stern finger wagging for your doubt-iness.
I guess that'd be doubtFULness, huh.
I'm waaaaaay funnier in person.
It will rock, I refuse to believe otherwise.
What? Whip Cream and no pillow fights. Be sure to order "That Blue Yak" off their menu!
Happy Whippy Tuesday
- Jennifer
have fun...!!!
If I still lived in Kansas I would TOTALLY be there for all the fun and hijinks!!! But sadly, I'm stuck in bum-fuck-Indiana, and they don't allow fun here.
So help me, if you guys let us down on this boob pic business I am not gonna read this blog.
For a week.
Don't you understand that the only reason us guys blog is the potential that we might charm you out of your shirts? Throw us a bone! Well, not a BONE, but, you know...
some guy made me laugh. i swear, sometimes i think i only blog TO show my boobies to the internet.
Boo (I see you)....not really!
- J
It's funny that men don't realize that that's all we actually do when us women get together... get naked, compare boob sizes, and take pictures of each other topless...
Otherwise, what would be the fun?
MelO - That, and talk about Zibbs, of course.
Gwen - Would now be the time to mention that, you know, one picture I took @ Bahan's?
And gals, remember, it's all fun and games until somebody loses an eye or until the flying monkeys attack or something like that.
And wrestle.
In various liquids.
Not gross ones, though.
Okay, I'll stop.
I'm afraid to wear a padded bra...you'll realize I'm nothing but smoke and mirrors once this thing's off. hee hee.
Sass - ok I'll play nice and try and be positive about this...but you better bring that padded bra or be overshadowed by the twins. I'm just sayin...
Just thought I'd check back to see what else is happening here (to see if my name was mentioned). I think you should take photos and record from the awkward begining to the all out drunken rowdiness.
Wait - no one mentioned drunken rowdiness!! Well why didn't you mention that before? I thought we were going to be all hopped up on coffee and sugar. Bring on the whiskey!
Looks like it's time to drag out my old "Some Like It Hot" Halloween costume and tell everyone I'm "Wordsella".
This all sounds very saucy. Poor Zibbo, he's going to flip his wighat.
Hey Whiskey....we could drive there.....Ever hear of Road Helmet?
I mean....I drive with a Helmet on.
Giggle Pixie - Is " bum-fuck-Indiana" anywhere near Boswell, IN? I hear that's the 'Hub of the Universe'. It says so on the water tower, so it HAS to be true.
You all are really going to meet up for your community service aren't you? Will you be wearing orange jumpsuits? You can tell me :)
You all are really going to meet up for your community service aren't you? Will you be wearing orange jumpsuits? You can tell me :)
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