Everything I Like Causes Cancer

Where we've been convinced to write a new post on Dec. 2. Stay tuned!


I think you have the wrong number.

Posted by Gwen |

So I'm sitting here tonight and my yahoo messenger beeps and tells me I have a new Snapvine message.  I get all excited and zip over there to listen to it and this is what I hear.

The voice is familiar but I can't decide if it's a joke or a wrong number.  Is that even possible?

Who is this SonofaThomas?  Why does he call himself Bob?  Why does he think I take song requests?  My profile is clearly not Ryan Seacrest.  Who's Joanie?  

And what the hell does he say at the end?  I've listened to it several times and I can't make it out.  It sounds like, "And by the way, you know, I might see Julie."  Am I hearing that right?

Is it one of you?  Whoever or whatever it is, I'm laughing my ass off even though I don't get it.


paperback reader said...

That is fantastic. And that's totally him saying "I might see Julie." It's probably a message from Brian.

Anonymous said...

I'd be getting jealous right now if I were you.

Scope said...

I thought Snap might be freakin' out. I heard this on your sight, but it was after it threw a cutesy error message at me when I tried to listen to Zibbs, so I just marked it off as a bad pointer in the database.

RW said...

I don't even know what a Snapvine is.

Anonymous said...

Sorry - I should've identified myself a little better. What? I have a cold :)

Anonymous said...

LOL - now you have a snapvine stalker.

Dr Zibbs said...

Hahahaha - these are great. Son of Thomas is a new commenter on my blog and left me one too. Also, I think Cecilia is Fancy Smancy but not sure. She also left on on mine about a sperm bank.

MJenks said...

Since it involves Julie, it's probably Rider. Er, I mean, Hal Haroldson. Yeah, that's it.

Unknown said...

??? roflmao...

Anonymous said...

I'm starting to think that someone is passing your contact information around at a Stalkers Anonymous meeting.

Ha! Hysterical!

~E said...

I'm gonna recycle the comment I left on Poo's page because it applies...and because I can't come up with anything better to say:

"I like you and all but I would never leave voice messages online. That’s how “the MAN” tracks you dude!!! With your voice imprint and sh*t!! No way! Besides, you don’t want to hear my voice anyway. I sound like one of the Chipmunks (the cute pudgy one in the blue dress) only more annoying.
