Everything I Like Causes Cancer

Where we've been convinced to write a new post on Dec. 2. Stay tuned!

March 2000.
One week in Ireland.
Two girls.
Hostels and public transportation.
(At least until the strike.)

We made do, taking a daytrip to Blarney Castle and Cobh with a couple other hostelers, one of whom had a car.

You can't tell, but this is me, kissing The Stone. It was really cool - the stone has been kissed smooth - but mostly it was scary. ("Mostly it was scary." And they say that Gift of Eloquence thing is a myth. Pfffft!)

There's really nothing I can add to this.

I fell in love with the town Cobh (pronounced "Cove") as soon as I laid eyes on it. It has the very interesting distinction of being the last port of call for the Titanic before it went into open water and also being where the Germans sunk the Lusitania, a passenger ship, in WWI. Together, the number one and number two most famous passenger ship disasters. Weird, no? The museums were fantastic.

I loved that there were no supermarkets. You want bread? Go to the bakery. You want meat? Go see Henry Molloy. And if he ain't in there, go 'round the corner and check there at Maguire's. Henry's been known t'get deep in his pints, may the saints watch over 'im and his nine remainin' fingers.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!


mo.stoneskin said...

You came all the way across the pond and didn't say hello?

More of a St. George's Day person myself but...

Lovely photos, especially the coloured terrace, an it is always nice to be reminded of Guiness.

words...words...words... said...

I love the picture of the colored houses! And what a luxury to have the time to visit all those purveyors of food. It's like a dream.

Scope said...

Get your Irish on today.

Anonymous said...

When I was in Cobh, there was a wedding at the church close to the museum, so we went and watched everyone milling around after the ceremony. I love that the women all wear hats to weddings.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

The Imaginary Reviewer said...

There aren't enough victuallers in this world. I need me more victuals. Or as we Brits call 'em, vi'les!

Peggy said...

Great photos! LOVE the sacrificial altar!

I'm not a germ-a-phobe but I'm not sure about kissing the Blarney Stone...I guess I'd do it if I was there but the thought...ick!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Candy's daily Dandy said...

Great post! I would love to get out there someday...soon!

Happy St. Paddy's!

SkylersDad said...

I am so jealous, wish I could be there!

H said...

Fad saol agat, gob fliuch, agus bás in Eirinn.

Cora said...

Beautiful! But I think I would gag if I kissed the Blarney Stone because I know my ex-husband kissed it the day he married his new wife. (shudder.)

Happy St Patrick's Day!

Unknown said...

oh, I'd love to see Ireland. here them talk, drink a pint...all that loveliness.


Jennifer and Sandi said...

Cool pictures!!!

* Tink *

- Jennifer

Anonymous said...

Oh you lucky girl. Wait, you went to Ireland back in 2000 and didn't bring me back anything? Pfft!

BeckEye said...


I'm so jealous. I WILL get to Ireland either this year or next.

You know, I heard from this Irish bartender that I knew long ago that locals piss on the Blarney Stone. I wonder if that's true? Isn't it guarded or fenced in or anything?

Nej said...

We were going to Ireland that exact same week...but then things came up and we didn't make it. Looks like you had a great time!!!
