Everything I Like Causes Cancer

Where we've been convinced to write a new post on Dec. 2. Stay tuned!


Monkey business makes the day shorter.

Posted by Gwen |

The other day I was sitting at my desk at the office, quietly toiling for The Man, when a guy came banging and clanging through the back door, pushing a huge cage.  I calmly turned to him and said, "Oh, good!  They finally approved the cage for my monkey."  He laughed and carried on with his business.

A couple minutes later he came back by and asked, "You're not really keeping a monkey back here, are you?"  I grinned and replied, "Not as far as you know."

I can't wait until he comes back to pick up the cage.


Chemgeek said...

I like your monkey. Glad he found a place to play

Scope said...

Can I touch your monkey?

SkylersDad said...

Excellent! Now is the time when we dance!

words...words...words... said...

Is your monkey cheeky?

I hope the monkey doesn't throw poop at the guy when he comes back.

hello haha narf said...

what the fuck kinda job do you have that requires a cage like that to be near you?

mo.stoneskin said...

I doubt you'll be smiling when your office reeks of monkey poop.

BioniKat said...

Thats cute! Whats the cage for anyway?

katrocket said...

"hello haha narf" wrote exactly what I was thinking! I bet you'll make the cageman's day.

Sass said...


I wish I could convince you to time it perfectly so that when the guy comes back, YOU are in the cage.

You know it'd be the funniest shit ever. EVER. EV-ER.

Doc said...

I'm sure the cage guy sat down to dinner with his wife that night and said, "Honey, you would not believe the lady I ran into today..." and I'm sure his story will keep getting better everytime he tells it.


Anonymous said...

At least it doesn't look like your monkey would rip off my face!

I'm thinkin' the same thing Doc is though...I bet that was one hell of a dinner table conversation at the cage-guy's house that night.

Son of a Thomas said...

Monkeys should no be caged. They should be free. Now ourangatangs, lock thoes bitches up!

Soda and Candy said...

Aww, look at the cute little monkey!

Was Cage Guy cute? Maybe the monkey needs to be holding a phone number.

Either that or Sass's idea - you could be a cage dancer!!!

; )

Anonymous said...

That is one happy monkey! lol

BeckEye said...

You don't work at the Project X place, do you? Set them all free!!!!

Cora said...

Sass soooo has the right idea, Gwen. Get it all on video too if you can! ;-)

Candy's daily Dandy said...

That little monkey never had it so good..

Dr Zibbs said...

Put a gun in his hands.

Gwen said...

Hello and Kat: I actually work in a professional office but the IT guy had them brought in from the plant to move a mountain of old computer equipment.

Scope said...

Gwen, were you implying that we IT folx don't belong in a professional office building?


Unknown said...

ah, that monkey is in HEAVEN.


Fancy Schmancy said...

I'm so glad to see George is doing his job and entertaining you!
