Everything I Like Causes Cancer

Where we've been convinced to write a new post on Dec. 2. Stay tuned!

I'm about to say something that won't likely make me very popular but I have to say it: I finally saw Slumdog Millionaire and hated it.  I thought it was terrible.  I was not entertained but rather heartbroken and ended up with two more wrinkles from grimacing the entire time.  That is not fun.  Boooooooooo.  And yes, I understand that a movie is "good" when it elicits powerful emotions but I say, "Boooo, I want my Sunday night back, please."

I looked it up on wikipedia researched it before writing this and learned something interesting: the torture scenes are (probably) not in the book because the lead character is telling the story to his lawyer, not the cops, and neither were the scenes of the Hindu-Muslim riots, which significantly reduces the material I found the most difficult and makes me suspect I might have enjoyed the book more.   Come to think of it, I also can't watch Pet Sematary past the tractor-trailer v. Gage scene because it hurts too much but I enjoyed the book.

And if that isn't enough to get you to make fun of me, my heart also breaks when people are mean to old men.


Amanda said...

I thought I was the only one who hated it

J.J. in L.A. said...

I know a few people who hated it. I think 'movie critics' watch them for the aesthetics of the film while your average movie goer just wants to be entertained.

Dr Zibbs said...

I'm a movie lover but no way a movie snob. I want to be entertained.

I thought the movie was great. On the upside, the story was great and seeing India was great.

The downside was that the acting really wasn't that great. Except of course for thekids. Most kids are terrible actors but those kids were great.

Dr Zibbs said...

And one more thing my dearest Gwennie. It was great talking to you on the phone the other night.

Tuesday Taylor said...

I still haven't seen it. I'm depressed just reading your post!

mo.stoneskin said...

I haven't seen it, but, I probably still will see it. In fact, I'll drop by here to let you know what I think...


Coolred38 said...

Considering some of the dismal material I have spent money on of late...it was a nice change...really gets you involved in the movie with the music, scenery etc.

I agree with yak tho...the lead actor had pretty much the same facial expression the whole movie. Kids were great tho.

Cora said...

Haven't seen it.

Didn't really want to.

Want to even less now!!


Some Guy said...

I didn't dislike it as much as you, but I don't think it was the earth-shattering movie everyone made it out to be. Megan, on the other hand, wanted to walk out after ten minutes.

MJenks said...

See, I was with you up until the old man part.

Anonymous said...

I thoroughly enjoyed it. The symbolism, the view of India, the music, everything. Loved it.

Although, I have to agree about the acting.
The main character's eyes darted from eye to eye on the face of whomever he was talking to at any point. He seemed overly stunned and confused constantly.

But his eyes were pretty, so I didn't mind.

liberalmudhen said...

You enjoyed Pet Sematary?? Booooo! Boooo!

Liked SD, wasn't as good as Asian Hole Explorers 16.

Soda and Candy said...

Gwen, I haven't seen it because I knew I wasn't going to like it once I heard that there was wrenching violence and despair type stuff going on.

There's enough bad shit in real life, why expose your heart to more?

Having said that, I *can* enjoy a movie where bad things happen, but there is a line.

zelzee said...

Haven't seen it.
Now I really don't want to.

My life is depressing enough. I don't need to spend money to watch more depressing things.........

Candy's daily Dandy said...

Yah, now I'm totally not going to see it.
No thanks.

words...words...words... said...

I loved it, but I have decided that you are allowed to disagree. Aren't I wonderful?

I would have voted for Frost/Nixon for Best Picture, but I have no beef with Slumdog winning.

(P.S., I totally just typed "Slumdong" up there and had to fix it. Porno directors, that's a freebie from me to you.)

Fancy Schmancy said...

Saw it and loved it, even though I had a hard time seeing the subtitles on my little tv.

Pet cemetery, on the other hand, was an awful movie, and a great but awful book! Have I mentioned the time my cat came back from the dead right after I read that book?

Liz said...

I love that you hate when people are mean to old men. I also hate when people are mean. period!

Cowguy said...

I ain't seen it yet... and may not. I love being entertained when I see a movie. The only emotions that I wanna get kicked in gear at a movie are

1. Hilarity.

2. "Cool explosion!!"

3. CAR CRASH!!!!

4. Hilarity.

Soda and Candy said...

Silly WWW, naturally the porno version would be called Cumdog Millionaire.
