Everything I Like Causes Cancer

Where we've been convinced to write a new post on Dec. 2. Stay tuned!

This one's for Son of A Thomas, who always makes me feel like the hottest chick in the room and isn't so hard on the eye himself (and neither is his wife, nosey parker). Ladies and gents, allow me to introduce my new boots . . .

My friend Leslie is my style and tact guru. I follow her lead in most situations, confident that I will win friends and influence people. Anyway, after her last trip to Chicago, girlfriend shows up for brunch in a hip, trendy little outfit that was made perfect by the most divine cowboy boots. The color, the cut, the stitching . . . all of it beautiful. Instant WANT.

I started looking for western stores in town the next day and shopped for about a week before I found these on zappos. (Their customer service is as good as advertised, btw. Fabu. I did not get paid for this.)

These lovelies are seriously the most comfortable shoes I've ever owned and I feel like a total fucking badass in them. The jury is still out on whether or not emboldening me is a good thing. Over the weekend I told off a former classmate AND an old lady while wearing badass boots. I apologized to the classmate but the pushy old bird at Perkins deserved it.


Cup said...

Looking good! Damn good.

I have a pair of Dingos and a pair of red cowboy boots -- and I too feel like a bad ass whenever I wear them.

Dr Zibbs said...

Look at you giving a shout out to Son of a Thomas. Do you know it turns out we went to the same high school?

I think the water fountains have perv water.

Anonymous said...

Very cool look, Hottie McHotterton.

You need to get film of you kicking ass. You're like Gwen-er Texas Ranger now!

SkylersDad said...

Hot Babe alert! Aooogah! Aooogah!
(that was like a klaxon in case you didn't get it...)

Look at you being all feisty in your kick ass footwear, and with the pointed toes, you can reach farther up the ass of the kickee.

Son of a Thomas said...

Thaaaaaank You!

Scope said...

I experienced that outfit this weekend.

Total badass. (With a nice ass.)

ttmac said...

That is all!

The Lady Who Doesn't Lunch: said...

Boots or no boots I wish I could have witnessed the telling offs! I can think of at least half a dozen of my old classmates that deserve a solid thrashing and don't even get me started on batty old broads in Perkins.

BTW - You look delish my tiny little friend.

NJ Pigno said...

Well that explains your three week hiatus nicely.

Renaissance Woman said...

The boots are hot and I say there is nothing better than feeling like a badass! Go kick some booty!

Candy's daily Dandy said...

Anything that gives you a total badass result is always a good thing.

And the boots? Fabulous and mighty purty too.

The Peach Tart said...

I am so about cowboy boots. I want more pairs this winter.

Some Guy said...

The bad-assitude is high, but would be off the charts with the addition of some spurs. Christmas is right around the corner...

Unknown said...

Boots, booty, any connection!

Steam Me Up, Kid said...

Alright, that's it. I'm digging mine out of the shoe pit in the back of my closet. I have short fat legs though, so my kneecaps appear to rest on the rim of the boots, but I don't even care. I feel like kicking some shit.

Cora said...

That whole outfit was badass! And with that awesome coat you were wearing it was ULTRA badass!

Unknown said...

you're adorable!

words...words...words... said...

They look fantastic! And comfortable cowboy boots? I thought that was an oxymoron.

Soda and Candy said...

Yeah! Put Nanna in her place, damn it! Sassy boots rock.

Harlem's A Hatin said...

Super cute outfit!!! I have no fashion sense, I need a stylist!


LegalMist said...

Welcome back to the blogosphere, Ms. Bad Ass Boots with a side of awesome!

Anonymous said...

You defintely are bad ass. I also did not deserve to be told off at Perkins. I just wanted to squeeze the toilet paper a little longer. Beyotch!
