Everything I Like Causes Cancer

Where we've been convinced to write a new post on Dec. 2. Stay tuned!

Also? Both are clothing designers.


Apparently I needed to explain this better. I apologize for assuming you watch the same movies and TV shows as me. Anyway, on the left is Edna Mode. She designed the superhero suits for the Incredible family in The Incredibles. She has a severe black bob (no judgment, I like it) and an attitude. On the right is Mila Hermanovski, a clothing designer who's currently in the final four of Project Runway. She has a severe black bob (again, I like it) and an attitude.

I was watching Project Runway this week with my girlfriends (there MAY have been some wine) and I finally realized who Mila looked like: Edna Mode. So there, that's it. It just cracked me up and I figured SOMEONE else out there in the blogosphere had to have made the same connection. My bad. Carry on.


Chemgeek said...

I have no freakin' clue to what you are talking about, but then, I'm pretty close to being drunk on beer and stuff so... what was the question again?

J.J. in L.A. said...

Is that Mila on the right?

Do. Not. Like. Her.

Unknown said...

Sorry, I'm totally sober and have no clue on this either.

Cora said...

HAHAHA! I LOOOOOOVE Edna Mode! But, sorry, I have no clue who the other chick is. I'm a fashion moron. Clearly.

LegalMist said...

Too funny!

Chemgeek said...

Oh, I kinda got what you were talking about, I was just drunk.

BeckEye said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA!! I didn't notice it until just now. Wonderful, miss. I can't stand Mila and I hope the bitch chokes on her collection. I want a Bryant Park sausage fest!

Scope said...

Don't worry about it. I feel like I need to explain about every post I write. :-)

Have a great weekend.

(And you could rock that bob better than either of them on their BEST day. Just sayin'.)

SkylersDad said...

I dont watch the fashion show, but wanted to tell you that they approached Linda Hunt for the role she plays on NCIS Las Angles and told her that was exactly who they wanted her to be on the show.

Blasé said...

Thanks for clearing that up!

Blasé said...

..oh, I see you have J.J. as a follower! She is sooooo sexy!

Melissa said...

Loved The Incredibles, but haven't watched Project Runway. Still the resemblance is uncanny.

Renaissance Woman said...

Love Eda from The Incredibles...and I agree that there is a strong similarity.

Fancy Schmancy said...

The lady on the left looks more like the lady from NCIS Los Angeles, who coincidentally used to be a Hollywood costume designer. Now I'm wondering if her character is based on the cartoon, lol.

Kerri Anne said...

OMG, YES. It's been driving me nuts all season, but Edna! is totally who she reminds me of.

"No capes!"

Soda and Candy said...

Hahaha, I didn't see this post until now but I gotcha!

I love Edna Mode, but Mila is just meh.

Candy's daily Dandy said...

Edna Mode rocks and she looks like that lady on NCIS LA. I think the actress' name is Linda Hunt.

Unknown said...

hahah, there is a resemblence look wise, I don't watch project runway, but have seen the incredibles.

limeAbeann said...

Haa... WOW i sooo see it, this is for the incredibles is it not? :D
