Everything I Like Causes Cancer

Where we've been convinced to write a new post on Dec. 2. Stay tuned!

The other day, while in the company of my dearest Peabody, the conversation turned to sandwiches . . .

Peabody: Why is it spelled S-A-N-D-W-I-C-H when it’s pronounced "sammich"?

Me: Because they were invented by the Earl of Sandwich who spelled his last name like that.

Several seconds pass . . .

Peabody (under her breath): Well, I bet his friends called him Sammich.


MJenks said...

More ironic? The Earl of Sammich never lived in Sammich.

Gwen said...

You're right; he lived in a rural hamlet called Mah Belly.


SkylersDad said...

Why don't we call them "Earls"?

Unknown said...

Was there an Earl of Hoagie; a duke of Sub; a Kinght of Hero?

words...words...words... said...

Do people really pronounce it "sammich"?

Scope said...

I have it on good authority people called him "Sommbitch".

Alyson said...

There's a joke about buns lurking around here somewhere...if I could just put my finger on it.

Sammich is just more fun to say.

Dr Zibbs said...

When I need a sandwich I like to say (in my best Sammy Davis Jr voice) "I need a Sammy"

(while I shake my hand as if it's packed with rings)

Eric said...

Favorite line from the 'Brady Bunch Movie' (1995):
'You boys want to go inside and help me make a sandwich?'

Oops, 'sammich'...

BeckEye said...

The Earl of Sandwich also invented the threesome. True story.

words...words...words... said...

No wonder he didn't have time to eat a full meal.

MommyLisa said...

Bwah-ha-ha! I love the post and comments.

Discount Furniture Santa Monica said...

Earl must have lived in a quiet town ... board people always invent the best of things.
