Everything I Like Causes Cancer

Where we've been convinced to write a new post on Dec. 2. Stay tuned!


Come with me to the Church of Cowboy Mouth

Posted by Gwen |

Have you ever been to a concert that was so phenomenally excellent that you couldn't bear for it to end?  That made you feel so good about yourself and being alive that you were inspired and invincible for days afterward?  No?

Then you need to go see Cowboy Mouth.  

(What's the name of the band?  The name of the band is COWBOY MOUTH!  The name of the band is . . . . COWBOY MOUTH!  This will make more sense later in this post, assuming you follow direction.)

Cowboy Mouth is a small troupe of amazing musicians out of New Orleans, Louisiana that knows a thing or two about rocking yer fucking face off.  The music is excellent but the show?  The show is . . . well . . . here, see for yourself:

Did you watch the whole video?  Go back, dummy!  You missed the best part - the part at the end where it turns into a rock and roll orgasm.  It's okay, I don't watch all the videos you put up either, but you should trust me on this one and do as I say.  The rest of this post will still be here when you're done.  Besides, it's Sunday, what the hell else do you have to do?

Done?  Okay, now watch this one where you see Fred - the front man, the drummer, the contagious, driving force behind the band and the show - not caring about fashion, not even caring about shoes and playing in his bare feet.  All Fred cares about is drumming his sweaty ass off to make you dance like your life depended on it and scream!

As a member of the audience you are subject to Fred yelling at you for not dancing hard enough or screaming loud enough.  He's been known to climb around on the infrastructure of the venue.  He will even stop the show mid-song if he feels it's necessary.  In this one he handles a security issue with humor and public ridicule through audience participation.

Speaking of audience participation watch this one where the audience throws red spoons at the band (about 0:40) when they sing the line, "she eats her red cake with her favorite red spoon" during the song Everybody Loves Jill.  I always change the words to "everybody loves Gwen" and encourage you to do the same.

If I haven't sung their praises enough here to convert you, check out their tour dates and go see them for yourselves.  Be sure to take a change of dry clothes, your most fun friends, and be prepared to rock out with your cock out.

This post brought to you by Gchat:  Bringing Fally and Gwennie together in the wee hours of the weekends since October 12.


Dr Zibbs said...

That's some kick ass kick ass! And what's this about the Gchat? Need to hear more.

Gwen said...

Zibbidy: Glad you enjoyed it. They are tremendously fun to see. As for the Gchat: you need a gmail account. Get one, email it to me, and we'll chat the night away!

Anonymous said...

Bare Feet. Tis the only was to school.

Love it.

Anonymous said...

"Tis the only was to school?" What the hell am I writing?


I play bare foot also.

Anonymous said...

If I keep coming back, I keep seeing good ole Pete.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how many times I can comment before someone beats me to the punch.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good contest.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Gwen, I had a REALLY crappy day, the kids are out of their little minds and I'm a little punchy.

Great vids.


Gwen said...

Anony: Dude, I have no idea what you just said but I'm glad to see you out and about again!

Renaissance Woman said...

Love this band and so excited...they are coming to Denver next week. I'll get a group together. Thanks for the push.

Falwless said...

Seriously. I don't usually fall in love with music people point me to, but Gwen converted me in our chat (pretty easily, I might add). Fuck this band rocks! You watch these videos and you instantly want to transport yourself there!

Falwless said...

I'm only like a decade too late to this band. As usual.

Falwless said...

Seriously, people, I implore you. You gotta watch these videos. I usually don't watch the crap people put up, but I'm telling you, you will be rocking in your desk chair! Do it!

Anonymous said...

I watched 'em - they're rockin! Looks like an awesome concert to go to [naked]!

Jam out with your clam out!

Unknown said...

I didn't watch them. But I think they're rad if you say so.

Unknown said...

whoa...looks like a kick ass concert!

Sass said...

This comment is in no way, shape, or form related to your post. My computer doesn't play videos, and I'm quite saddened by that.

But I just thought of you a while ago when I was leaving someone a comment and the word verification said, "suplazy."

I looked at it and said, "Not much. Sup witchu?"

Why did that make me think of you?

Mo said...

Rock on. Wait, did everyone bring their own red spoon or were there, like, little cups of them as you walked in? Just want to be prepared if I get a chance to see them live.

Gwen said...

Mo: You bring your own spoon. We usually go to DQ for a blizzard before a show. Ya know, they're playing The Pageant 11/26 if you want to come to STL and go with us . . . I'm just sayin'.

words...words...words... said...

Wow, I didn't even know Jim Gaffigan was in a band.

Elizabeth said...

Fun. One guy looks exactly like Bill Murray.

Did you know that Stewart Copeland played (drums) barefoot for years?
