Everything I Like Causes Cancer

Where we've been convinced to write a new post on Dec. 2. Stay tuned!

Last night's dinner club host approached me almost as soon as I arrived, leaned in conspiratorially, and said, "You know how sometimes you see or hear a phrase and after that you can't get it out of your head?"


"Well, today I was coming home from running errands and as I drove past Hardee's I noticed that their billboard read, 'Put a little zest in your taco.'" (insert juvenile chortling here)

Let me just say that thereafter we DID NOT abuse that phrase the entire evening. Not. At. All. Way to go, Hardee's. You've finally done something more memorable than making burgers from Angus beef.

Here's a little song by Michael Franti and Spearhead that I am going to set on "repeat" until I can get the zest out of my taco phrase out of my head and the lead out of my ass (I'm so very tired but have a big, fat day of Culture Club activities lined up: brunch, an exhibit at the History Museum and a play at 2 pm.)

Happy Sunday, monkeys! Crank this one up and shake that ass, k?


The Lady Who Doesn't Lunch: said...

My friends and I had a moment like that after seeing a sign for a restaurant called Jody's Wet Burrito.

I want to come to dinner club - it sounds like such a great gig. Do you think they would mind if I called it supper club? It sounds more glamorous that way.

mike said...

heh heh... Hardy's.

mike said...

also, I just looked over your itinerary for today... you lead a pretty full life. You are like the Army (you do more before 9am than I do all day.) I hope you have a fun day!

SkylersDad said...

I'm so confused. Why on earth would anyone want bar soap in their Mexican food?

Scope said...

Lemon rind in your Mexican gyro?

Scope said...

I pita the fool who doen't like puns.

Unknown said...

I LOVED that video. I'll be singing it all day!!!

Fancy Schmancy said...

My taco needs more than just a little zest, but thanks for thinking of my anyway.

Hunter said...

Somebody at Hardee's is laughing about that slogan actually making it to the public...

Glori B. said...

Dear G,
Please send this video to Whiskey!
Glori B.

Whiskeymarie said...

Glori B- I heart you, big time- thanks for the shout-out. I know my Gwennie loves me.

I like to think of her as the zest in my taco.

NJ Pigno said...

I went running to Urban Dictionary when I read your post. And it was no help. I guess I really AM a square.

words...words...words... said...

I don't have a taco and I feel left out.

mo.stoneskin said...

Is it still on repeat? You must be slowly going mad. Oh, wait, you are mad aren't you? Perhaps the tune is making things worse?

Dr Zibbs said...


Unknown said...

ROFLMAO...I'd like a little zest in my taco...
